L.N.D.P. The Lebanese National Development Plan
A note to the Readers
You will find below our latest attempt at putting together the elements of a Lebanese National Development Plan (L.N.D.P.).
Our NGO, CPI The Lebanese Center for Public Information has worked on this project since 2006, unceasingly amending and updating the information which we have used for that purpose.
The following is the result of nine years of arduous work. We hope that the readers will be indulgent with us if any errors or misconceptions are discovered. We shall be grateful if they will openly point them out in the "comments" section, and we assure them that we shall do our best to give them our full attention.
Aw we have often signaled it in these pages, the L.N.D.P. should not be the product or the property of a single individual, a single organization, or even a National Institution. The L.N.D.P. belongs to and is conceived for the benefit of the four and a half million Lebanese citizens who make up the population of this country, as well as the millions of Lebanese of the Diaspora living and residing abroad. Every single members of this community is entitled to, and is strongly requested to, bring his/her contribution to this vital document and, thus, claim partial ownership.
For the sake of clarity, the Project is presented in the form of Power Point slides, each one dealing with a specific subject. Broadly speaking the project attempts to answer the following questions:
- WHAT are the problems that we face in this country?
- WHAT is the L.N.D.P. and WHY do we need it?
- HOW to build it?
- WHO will take part in the operation?
- HOW long will it take?
- The six Plans already drawn up
- The cost of building the L.N.D.P.
- A program for the next two decades
- The cost of building the L.N.D.P.
- A program for the next two decades.